By supporting this campaign, you are helping to pioneer a future where TSW is no longer a debilitating afterthought but a preventable and manageable condition.
Together, we can make a significant impact on the lives of those affected by TSW, providing them with the hope and support they need to recover and thrive.
Your signature can make a real difference. Please consider signing and sharing this petition within your networks to help us bring much-needed attention and resources to TSW research and support.

Katie Mackie Petition, Petition 658458, TSW Petition. 


You can’t always control our [insert your skin condition], but we can control how we react to it. That is our power. Start reading and seeing people’s experiences…

TSW is not Eczema

Let’s make Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW) a thing of the past – sign the petition to fund vital research and support those battling withdrawal symptoms. Together, we can pave the way for a future where prescriptions bring relief, not anxiety.

SKIN CONDITION support & self-help Resources

Studies have shown

Sharing tips for coping through social media channels and provide forums for peer-to-peer support and shared learning are key.


of British people with skin conditions or scars say it affects their confidence.


of people in the UK currently have a skin condition or have previously had a skin condition.

Saskia Potts✨ AKA @saskia.potts shares her SKIN STORY❤️‍🩹

The Itchy Gang connects individuals of diverse backgrounds, skin tones, and genders, united by their shared experiences with various skin conditions. As the Itch N Bitch TSW Petition gains momentum, it’s crucial to amplify the voices of TSW sisters, misters, and non-binary individuals alike, advocating for greater awareness, research, and support for all affected by…

Uncertainty surrounding Topical Steroid use?

1 WEEK IN, nearly 4k signature mark!! THANK YOU!!It is estimated that over eight million individuals in the UK suffer from atopic eczema alone, with a staggering 60% of the population either currently experiencing or having previously had a skin condition. Typically, the first line of treatment involves the use of topical steroids. There is…

Amy Bowers✨ AKA @amy_does_tsw shares her SKIN STORY

The Itchy Gang connects individuals of diverse backgrounds, skin tones, and genders, united by their shared experiences with various skin conditions. As the Itch N Bitch TSW Petition gains momentum, it’s crucial to amplify the voices of TSW sisters, misters, and non-binary individuals alike, advocating for greater awareness, research, and support for all affected by…

What makes you feel alone in one place can often make you feel like you belong in another.

Join our INSTA community of 7,000+ people all connecting through our experiences of our skin.

Everyone's normal looks different, skin conditions ARE NOT a one-size-fits-all.

The Itch N Bitch believes that one of the best ways to care for your eczema/ skin condition isn’t your physical skincare routine.

It’s your mental health care.

It’s about knowing you’re not alone.

Reading and seeing other people’s experiences of their skin and having that moment of WOW, I am not alone, and suddenly feeling this weird connection to a stranger online simply because they get it.

Nearly 2 years on itch n bitch has flourished into a nearly 6,000-strong community of itchy people called THE ITCHY GANG.

HEYY, If you don’t see yourself in any beauty campaign/ online, you start to think you’re not beautiful. You start to think you have all these problems and it can make you feel like you don’t belong in your skin.